
Emeka Okereke

Emeka Okereke is a Nigerian artist, scholar, cultural producer, and host of the Nkata Podcast Station. His multidisciplinary work spans photography, filmmaking, writing, and performance, focusing on themes of identity, migration, and African urban experiences. Okereke co-founded the Invisible Borders Trans-African Organisation, which promotes trans-African dialogue and artistic exchange through initiatives like the "Trans-African Road Trip," fostering deeper engagement with Africa's diverse realities. He also founded the Nkata Podcast Station, a platform for critical conversations with artists, thinkers, and cultural producers. The podcast explores contemporary African art, philosophy, and culture, encouraging a broader understanding of African and Diasporic creations. In 2018, Okereke was honored as a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture for his significant contributions to the arts and culture.
